Funny Insprirational Quotes for Life

What inspires you? There are a lot of things that can provide inspiration – seeing other people accomplish great things, seeing other people overcome adversity, hearing inspirational quotesfrom great people, even the sheer beauty of nature can remind us just how lucky we are to be alive.
“Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.” ~Christopher Reeve 

The opposite of this quote is also true, once you give up hope or choose hopelessness, nothing’s possible. Hope is the feeling that things will somehow get better, that they will somehow work out. You don’t even have to know how it will happen, but it’s the believe or even the wish that it will. That’s why it’s never a good idea to give up hope because you just don’t know how things will pan out. When going about your day it’s better to feel hopeful about the things you’re working on, or the task at hand. If you have hope, it’s quite possible that it can all turn out for the best.

“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” ~T.S. Eliot 
It’s interesting to think that you can start anew with each passing moment. You can let go of the past, let go of whatever is holding you back, and start again, doing whatever it is you want to do. It’s refreshing to know that the present is not entirely enmeshed in the past, and your future is being created moment by moment. If you’ve been mired in doubt and hesitation to start a new project or to mend a relationship because of things that have happened to you in the past, remember that this moment is totally new and you can move in the direction you want to go.
“Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.” ~Charles Kettering
What a great way to greet the world! Acting might come before believing on this one, as it’s not an easy task to believe that it’s impossible to fail. It might be a case of faking it until you make it, taking bold actions as if you really believe that you can’t fail, and then building up your confidence and your belief that you really can’t. Even if things don’t work out you still infused them with the right energy, rather than taking a defeatist approach that it probably wouldn’t work. It means you’ll try bigger and bolder things than if you are doubting yourself the whole time.

“Don’t count the days, make the days count.” ~Muhammad Ali 
It can be dangerous to start counting down your days, because you want to make each one count. But many times there will be an event coming up that makes you start counting down how many days until it arrives. But each day between now and then is important, and you don’t want to breeze over any part of your life just to get to the next, seemingly better part. Putting the most of yourself into each day will make it so you never have any regrets about how you spent your time here, and you’ll know that you really did make it count each day.

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.”
~Jimmy Johnson 
This is a cute way of pointing out the difference between what makes things extraordinary rather than ordinary. It really is a matter of a few degrees, going that little bit further to push things past the point of regularity. The key is that you want to always strive for the extraordinary. Doing a few extraordinary things might make you complacent, and ready to rest on your laurels. But then you run the risk of slipping back into ordinary behaviors. Always ask yourself if what you’re doing is ordinary or extraordinary and then give that little extra if needed.

“You must not only aim right, but draw the bow with all your might.”
~Henry David Thoreau
Thoreau points out that it’s not enough to get yourself focused in the right direction, but also to give as much effort as possible to propel yourself forward. The situation can arise where you know exactly where you want to go, but you just can’t muster up the motivation to build up the momentum to get you there. Another point to consider is that you can spend a lot of energy and give a lot of action, but if you’re not pointed in the right direction you won’t end up where you want to be. Both are necessary for true success and progress.

“Light tomorrow with today.” ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Today is your opportunity to make your tomorrow better. If you think of it from the point that your today is the result of your yesterdays, it’s clear that what you are doing today is either moving your forward or moving you backward. That’s why you want to grab today by the horns and make the most of it as you can. Do that enough times and you’ll start to see signs that your todays are getting better, which only sets you up better and better for tomorrow. You can find yourself in negative or positive spiral based on how well you are spending your days.

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
~Will Rogers 
It’s often hard just getting on the right track, but you have to remember that once you’re there it’s no place to idle. You’ve got to not only get on the right track, but move yourself forward along that track once you make it there. If it took you a long time to get on the right track, you may find it daunting to have to still give a strong effort to stay on it. But things get easier as you go along, and once you have the hang of it it’s easy to stay on the right track and keep the pace so you don’t get run over.

“When you come to a roadblock, take a detour.” ~Mary Kay Ash 
Sounds easy enough, but it’s not our natural instinct. The natural instinct is to either get discouraged and give up, or ram up against the roadblock until we knock ourselves out. But what’s so bad about taking the long way around as long as you get to your final destination. It does take a bit of belief that the detour is still leading you to where you want to go, and it takes mental fortitude to not get sidetracked along the way and lose sight of where you’re going. Once you remove time from the equation and give yourself room to breathe you can actually enjoy taking the scenic route to your goals and dreams.

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