25 favorite love quotes from around the world

Love is always an interesting and exciting topic all over the world. Have you ever wondered what other cultures think about love? Surely each culture has the own understanding and different definitions.

This special article focuses on 25 favorite love quotes from many countries across the world. Read on to discover the proverbs that fit you best.
1. “Coffee and love taste best when hot.”

French proverb

3. “Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.”
  • 4. “Try to reason about love and you will lose your reason.”

Irish proverb

2. “There is no cure for love other than marriage.”

Chinese proverb

5. “Love itself is calm; turbulence arrives from individuals.”
  • 6. “You can’t tell the cost of food and fuel without being the head of a household; you can’t appreciate the love of your parents without having children of your own.” 
7. “Lovers’ hearts are linked together and always beat as one.”


Burundian proverb

8. “Where there is love there is no darkness.”

Mexican proverb

9. “Love sickness hurts but does not kill.”

African proverb

10. “One thread for the needle, one love for the heart.”


Indian proverb

11. “In love beggar and king are equal.”
  • 12. “It is love that makes the impossible, possible.” 

Japanese proverb

13. “He who treads the path of love walks a thousand meters as if it were only one.”


Swahili proverb

14. “Love has to be shown by deeds not words.”

Irish proverb

15. “A day lasts until it’s chased away but love lasts until the grave.”

Namibian proverb

16. “Love is a despot who spares no one.”


Romanian proverb

17. “Love understands all languages.”

Armenian proverb

18. “All men have three ears, one on the left of his head, one on the right, and one in his heart.”

Arabian proverb

19. “Love makes a man both blind and deaf.”


Brazilian proverb

20. “Love is blind so you have to feel your way.”

English proverb

21. “Love lives in cottages as well as in court.”

Italian proverb

22. “There is no love like the first love.”


Lithuanian proverb

23. “A life without love is like a year without summer.”

Greek proverb

24. “The heart that loves is always young.”

Argentinian proverb

25. “He who loves you will make you weep.”

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